The warm, sunny weather on Monday tempted me outside to make some large charcoal drawings in an artist friend's garden. I haven't used charcoal for a few months and I enjoyed drawing the structural plants and sculpture outdoors.
Returning to Route 66 work, I started re-sizing photo files ready to have them printed in lightfast ink for November's exhibition. Simon and I met about 10 days ago and selected the images that we'll use. It's boring work re-sizing files but listening to music has helped. I discovered "Loney, dear" this week - good despite the strangely punctuated name.
I still need to re-print the 3 plate photopolymer gravure of the old petrol station- it's exacting work and these photoplate are very sensitive and easy to mess up. The colour mixing is tricky too as you need to allow for the changes of colour due to overprinting. I don't think I'll be able to do this 'till the weekend.
I've added to the Arts Council Evaluation and I'm easily on schedule to hand it in by the end of August. I had considered printing out the blog to add as an appendix, but that's going to be too many pages do I'll have to select some.