Tuesday, 24 April 2007

It's not often I dance to a rock band in the lunch hour

Sunday was good. Great day of printing and beautiful weather. I wandered down the road to the Organic Coop to pick up some lunch to find what looked like a full scale street party in full swing. It was Earth Day - and there were various environmental stalls explaining about renewables, sustainability, recycling etc. They were baking cookies in little solar ovens on the pavement. Someone was pedalling a bike to power a water pump and loads of other things.

In a marquee, there was a rock band playing a people were dancing so I joined in (I mis the gym) for a while and then, bought and ate some good while watching some dancers.

All that before returning to the print workshop to continue with Photogravure.

It's a lovely light, clean and very large workshop and Regina, who owns and directs it is a highly skilled and knowledgeable printmakers. She also runs 2 adjoining galleries, one print and one that has paintings, 3D pieces, mixed media. She takes the concept of multi-tasking to new heights. All this with extraordinatry good humour.

I've met many good printmakers including Leonora, Jorge, Jacqui and Ray who was teaching a small class on collagraphs.

It was definitely a good decision to come here.

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